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Head Start Success Stories

The following are some of the“Head Start Success Stories” collected by the New England Head Start Association. They reflect the important impact Head Start has had over the last 50 years.

With some exceptions, spelling, grammar, and language appear as submitted.

I became aware of the Head Start program pregnant with my second and last child. I decided one of the best decisions I could make for her was to jump on the program. My daughter has been in the program since she was 4 days old. Everyone we have met on our journey has been amazing and helpful. They have helped me see and understand how my daughter is growing and developing, and answering any questions I may have. Recently I have noticed some things in my daughter and spoke to my home visitor. She has helped me find services I needed and helped me through them. Head Start has such an unbiased, helpful, non-judging family. I’m sad our time is going to end in just a year. My daughter has grown and developed so much in this family. I also have grown in my understanding of myself and the program. I have become a member of the Policy Council and grown so much more. I recommend Head Start to my friends and family so their children can have the same GREAT experience my daughter and I have had.

Head Start Parent, Vermont

I am a parent of twin boys that attend the [location withheld] site. The boys love to go to “school” every day. I am also a success story of a student of Head Start that my Mom used to put me on the bus (I NEVER CRIED) and off I went. My boys have grown so much in the development of their social and emotional growth. It pleases me every day to see the smiles on their faces when they are successful in any of the projects that they do with Head Start and at home. Please continue to offer Head Start Services the results are endless and bountiful. Thank you.

Head Start Parent and Staff Member, Rhode Island

When trying to teach my 4year old son the things he’d need to now for kindergarten, he wasn’t learning the way he should. I thought for sure he had learning disability. He wouldn’t do things in the ways others would do. We got in to Head Start and he’s doing better he expected! He can almost write his name he knows how to say his ABC’s and can count to ten. He’s changed and grown 110% just in two months! I can’t wait ‘till May to see how far he gets. I also have learned better ways to teach him so he can learn it.

Head Start Parent, Maine

... I am 35 year old mom of two. My son who is now 19 attended Head Start when he was 2 in Brooklyn NY. At the time I was 15 and didn’t really know the importance of the program. ... It was because of the staff I was able to graduate High School. Unfortunately my son was only involved with Head Start for a short time. Now 18 years later I have a beautiful baby girl and living in Randolph, MA with no family in the state a very limited amount of friends let alone any with kids my daughter’s age. So I sat home with her all day just the two of us till dad came home from work. ... I felt so isolated for the first time in my life and at the same time happy that I had a new life. I would find myself hoping for a program like the one that offered to my son at such a young age but not remembering what it was called. One day I found an ad for Early Head Start program. That was a beginning of a new life for my daughter and I.

We look forward to my worker visits once a week. It gives me someone to talk to that is concerned about my daughter as much as her father and I are. ... As for my daughter she gets so happy knowing there is something in her workers bag to play with and try to keep. The socialization groups help us as well. I meet other family’s that have kids my daughters age I get to get out and get some air. But the biggest impact I seen is in my daughter and she has kids her age to play with. She learned how to feed herself, that eating is to be done at a table to wash her hands on her own. Just little things I over looked teaching her since I did it all for he at home. I concentrated more on academic study more. For example teaching her ABC’s and 123. But the skills she is being taught at Head Start are very important to being self-sufficient. ...So to me Head Start has not just helped my kids and I but future generations of my family and other families I will come in contact with. ... Because without Head Start my daughter and I would still be sitting at home without a thing to do.

Head Start Parent, Maine

I am a former Head Start student and it was a great beginning to my education. The structure and experience had an extremely positive influence on my education. My daughter now attends and she continually astounds me with she learns at school. She thrives on the routine of each day, the interaction with friends and the learning exercises she engages in. I recommend the Head Start program whenever I can. The community would suffer greatly if this program was cut by Government Funding. Thank you Head Start.

Head Start Parent and Former Head Start Student, Rhode Island

I have been a Head Start parent for the last 21 years. My son was in Head Start 21 years ago. I have 4 kids that have all been in Head Start. From being a teen mom to now having stage 4 breast cancer Head Start has helped me find support. My oldest started Early Head Start and helped me with raising an awesome kid who is in the military. Thank you so much. I can’t thank you enough.

Head Start Parent, New Hampshire

I do a presentation on Head Start twice a year as part of the orientation of new child advocates in our states network of domestic violence shelters and service programs. This month as I began my presentation one of the participants shared that she had attended Head Start as a child. She went on to describe her vivid memories of the teacher she loved, of special activities they did, and graduation day when she wore a beautiful white dress. She said that her two older siblings always tell her that she is the only one of them to attend (and complete) college because she got to go to Head Start! (What a wonderful Head Start legacy that she is now a young adult and so committed to services to support other young children and families in need. And Head Start staff must know that the work they do every day is forever in the fond memories of those they support and care for!)

Friend of Head Start, Connecticut

My son and I were staying in a homeless shelter. I was having trouble finding a job so we could have a place to live. When I was finally able to get my son into the Early Head Start program things finally started to fall into place. My son loves going every day and now I have a job. We have our own place to live and I have a great support system thanks to the Early Head Start program.

Head Start Parent, Connecticut

Head Start was my tool and guidance to provide a fulfilling, goal-oriented and positive living without fear of falling back towards poverty. My family advocate and the family engagement manager built upon my confidence to complete my education and get into the work force. I have since been able to grow into a role of a sole proprietor of a new business. So in conclusion I am a strong supporter of Head Start as a parent. It has encouraged me to be strong, confident, and have a voice to stand-up for my rights. I have resolved issues in my life that held me back to reaching my fullest potential.

Head Start Parent, New England

Let me start out with thank you Head Start! When I first started out I was in [name of program withheld]. I didn’t know anything about Head Start - only that I went and my brothers and sister went that’s it. I didn’t know parents could be involved. I didn’t know they worked with families to help them with different needs. As my child moved from [name of program withheld] on to Early Head Start I didn’t know what to expect. But I found that it was amazing not only for my child but for my whole family. My daughter did 3 years at EHS or should I say my family did 3 years, then she went into Head Start. She had a hard time at first with being there without me, but learned that it would be ok and that I was coming back. She learned that from the amazing teachers she had. Once I realized she was fine I thought about joining the Parent Meeting and then Policy Council (PC). Last year I kinda sat back and just listened to what other were saying at the beginning. Then towards the end I started getting more involved. I learned the more I spoke and stood up and did something it was benefitting my child and someone else’s child. This year I’m more involved than ever. I’m Vice Chairperson of our parent meetings/chairperson. ... To me it shows my daughters that you can do anything you put your mind to and I love that. Head Start has changed my whole life and my family’s life. I have met so many people that I would not have met if I never put my child into Head Start. When I was pregnant I planned on putting her into a private program but I guess there was someone looking out for me and my family and sent us to Head Start. And I am so pleased to say I am a Head Start mom and happy that my child is getting a great education and social skills. Once again thank you very much.

Head Start Parent, New Hampshire

Thanks to Head Start, we are confident our son is ready for kindergarten in the fall.

Head Start Parent, Maine

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